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New Hardcover Art Book - An Artist's Life By Michael Sieve
By Michael Sieve
An Artist's Life by Michael Sieve
Length: 288 pages
Retail price: $85
Author info: Michael Sieve has been painting professionally for more than four decades. A skilled hunter, accomplished artist and committed conservationist, Sieve has painted more than 500 original paintings. Sieve’s paintings can be found in collections and museums throughout the world, with reproductions appearing in some of the finest wildlife and outdoor publications in the United States.
Michael Sieve is widely hailed as one of the world’s foremost painters of wild animals. Sieve has spent more than forty years seeking inspiration in the natural world and channeling it into captivating images that challenge and fulfill him
Sieve paints in a contemporary style, with a keen eye for detail and a masterful understanding of animal behavior and anatomy that can only be learned through a lifetime of experience in the field. Meticulously realistic and beautifully composed, his paintings follow the artistic tradition shaped by wildlife legends Les Kouba and Bob Kuhn and continued by distinguished contemporaries such as Gary Moss, Robert Bateman and more.
Featured on these pages are more than 280 paintings dating from the early 1970's to today. You’ll join the artist on adventure filled journeys across North America, Central America, Africa and Asia and discover a vast portfolio of wildlife, including lions, tigers, bears, white-tailed deer and more. You’ll enjoy his gripping and refreshingly honest accounts of the experiences that inspired his artwork. In his stories, Sieve shares his deep commitment to land and wildlife conservation practices and recounts his adventures observing, photographing and hunting his wild subjects.
With chapter introductions penned by family, friends and esteemed peers, An Artist’s Life paints a robust portrait of this acclaimed artist.
An Artist's Life by Michael Sieve is now available to order, A limited edition of only 1,000 hardcover book's with 288 pages priced at $85.
Order yours today. All books professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited to 1,000 Hardcover Art Books | 11-1/2 x 12-1/2 cover size | 1000 | $85.00 |
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